Technology Project Request

Information Technology provides guidance for and partners with departments on campus on project work that involves the procurement, deployment, or coordination of new and existing technology.
Regardless of the size or scope of a project, getting IT involved as early as possible allows us to plan resources effectively, develop actionable timetables, and ensure compatibility with other systems to maintain continuity of services. 
Elon IT projects are prioritized by two main categories:


Institutional Priorities

Divisional Strategic Goals

Departmental Strategic Goals


Essential Operations

Operational Support and Requests


Project requests usually include many of the following:
  • Unique and generally not routine or repeated. However, some routine tasks may be included within the larger scope of a project.
  • Temporary endeavor with a distinct beginning and end
  • Defined by specific deliverables
  • Requires a team to be formed for collaboration and coordination of efforts
  • Evaluation of costs and risks before work can proceed
  • Outcome of project may impact a department, a group of people associated with a specific process, or the entire campus.
  • Examples include:
    • Procurement and implementation of high impact software
    • Construction of a building
    • Implementation of a new system to replace another
    • Deployment of a campus-wide communication service

To submit a request, select "Submit a Project Request" and tell us more about your project.

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • Get help determining the extent of a project's technological needs or requirements
  • Feel confident about a project's compatibility with current systems on campus


There is no cost to request help from IT, but there may be costs associated with your project.

Submit a Project Request

Related Articles (2)

Overview of the priorities IT uses when assessing the feasibility of the project.
Overview of the authority given and responsibility necessary for the successful accomplishment of project activities.

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