Contract Review Request

The Office of Information Technology must approve contracts (also known as, Agreement, Terms, Terms and Conditions, Master Service Agreement, etc.) with technology implications PRIOR to being submitted to the Purchasing office for execution. Such contracts are reviewed by IT to protect the university and its data by ensuring alignment with data security and storage practices, legal language, and resource management requirements. As needed, IT will also manage negotiations of contracts and terms of agreement directly with the vendor so that you may submit a finalized version of the contract along with the Contract Approval Cover Sheet. Please see Purchasing's Contract Management & Signature Policy and Procedures for more information about who has authority to enter the university into a contract, as well as the proper procedures to follow.

To submit a contract, agreement, or terms and conditions for IT to review and approve, please select "Email Contract to Tony Rose" and attach it to the email as a Word document. In some cases "contracts" may simply be terms and conditions or agreements on a website. Please be sure to include those links in the email.

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • Protect the university and data
  • Ensure you are not obligating yourself or the university without proper review


There is no cost for IT to review a contract, but there may be costs associated with the contract

Email Contract to Tony Rose

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