Employee Proxy for Time Approval

Skip to: Access the Employee Proxy pageAdd Employee Proxy | Remove/Change Employee Proxy | Log-in as a proxy | Switch from acting as a proxy to using your log-in | Switch from using your log-in to acting as a proxy | Tips for Decreasing Proxy Emails 

When away from campus and/or not able to perform their time approval duties, each supervisor should have another faculty or staff member assigned as a proxy who can review and approve time sheets in the supervisor's absence. Supervisors should communicate their proxy contact information to their staff members.  If the supervisor is unable to add the proxy then Human Resources (336-278-5560) or Payroll (336-278-5260) can add the proxy for them.

The Employee Proxy page is used to assign, change, and remove proxy elections and can be accessed through OnTrack.

  1. If you have any active proxies assigned then they will be listed when the Employee Proxy page displays
  2. Click the Add Proxy button to add a new proxy

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Active proxies, 2. Add proxy

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  1. Choose Time Approval from the Select Proxy Type drop down box
  2. Enter the Effective Date and Revoke Date
    • The Effective Date is the first date the proxy has access to time approval on your behalf
    • Today's date defaults as the Effective Date but can be changed
    • The Revoke Date is the last date the proxy has access to time approval on your behalf
    • Proxy access ends at 12:01 am on the Revoke Date
  3. Use the Search for Proxy box to select the faculty or staff member that will be your proxy
    • Valid search criteria includes
      • 7-digit University ID
      • First name Last name (e.g. John Smith)
      • First name Middle name Last name (e.g. John Patrick Smith)
      • Last name, First name (e.g. Smith, John)
      • Last name, First name Middle name (e.g. Smith, John Patrick)
  4. Once the correct person's information appears, click the faculty or staff member's name then click the Add Proxy button

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Select proxy type, 2. Revoke date, 3. Search for employee to act as a proxy, 4. Add proxy button

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To change anything associated with an active proxy, remove the person as your proxy then add them as a new proxy with the correct information.

  1. To remove a proxy, go to the Employee Proxy page and click the red X at the end of the proxy row
  2. Click the Delete button to delete the Employee Proxy

Numbers corresponding to, 1. The red delete button

Delete employee proxy confirmation dialog

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Anyone that has been assigned as a supervisor's proxy has access to the Time Approval page to approve time sheets on behalf of the supervisor.  Time Approval can be accessed through OnTrack. Once logged in, click on OnTrack for Staff. Under the section labeled Time Entry and Approval, select Self-Service Time Approval to access the Time Approval page. You may be prompted to enter your OnTrack log-in credentials again.

  1. When prompted with this window, click on the name of the person for whom you want to act as proxy
    • If you don't want to act as a proxy for this session, click on your name
  2. Click the Continue button

The user selection screen with the ability to select a Proxy user

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Anytime you are acting as someone's proxy, you may switch to yourself or another user (if you are the proxy for more than one person).  Look for the green bar at the top of the page and click on the Change User button.  Follow the prompts to switch to another person.

The welcome to colleague self service page on behalf of another user

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Anytime you are logged into Self-Service, you may switch from your log-in to act as someone's proxy.  Click on the Sign out button at the top right of the page then click on Change Proxy User.

The signet or Change proxy user option

  1. Click on the name of the person for whom you want to act as proxy
  2. Click the Continue button

The person proxy selection screen

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Setup an Email Filter/Rule

Proxies may want to set up a rule in Outlook to filter proxy-related emails into another folder. Please refer to this Microsoft article for setting up rules if you need help.

Encourage Employees to Only Submit Once

Another way to decrease the number of emails received is to remind employees that they do not have to submit their time sheet for approval each time they enter hours. They only need to submit the time sheet once all the hours for that week have been entered. The time sheet automatically saves any entries, so no other action is needed if they just want to save their hours. This is a change from the old system so employees may be confused. The only time an email is generated to the supervisor (and proxy) is when the time sheet is submitted or unsubmitted. Emails go to employees when a time sheet is approved, unapproved, rejected, or unrejected.

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