Time Approval for Student Employees (Supervisor)

Access the Time Approval summary page

Student time sheets for positions you supervise can be accessed for review and approval through OnTrack

  1. Use the Filter area on the left side of the page to narrow down the list of student staff, if needed
  2. Use the list of students on the right side of the page to view, for each student, total hours worked, approve the time sheet, reject the time sheet, enter comments or view the time sheet details
    • If no students are listed on the right side of the page, click the Reset Filters button and then click the Apply Filters button

Numbers corresponding to, 1. folder and search options, 2. The status column

Use Filters on the Time Approval summary page
  1. Toggle the filter area on and off by clicking the Filter button at the top left of the page
  2. To search for a particular student staff member, enter their name or University ID in the Search for Employee box and click the magnifying glass
  3. To reset the list of student staff members on the right side of the page that appeared because of a search, click the Clear Search button
  4. Use the check boxes in the filter area to display student staff members by pay cycle and/or time sheet status
    • Hover over the Information icon beside the status to see the status definition
  5. Use the Reset Filters and Apply Filters buttons to display the appropriate list of student staff members
    • The Reset Filters button removes all checks in the check boxes
    • The Apply Filters button uses the filters to display the student staff members that meet the filter criteria
    • If you want to see a list of every student, click the Reset Filters button then click the Apply Filters button

Numbers corresponding to, 1. The filter button, 2. The search for employee field, 3. The clear search button, 4. Filter criteria, 5. Apply filter button

Navigate the Time Approval summary page
  1. Use the navigation arrows at the top and bottom of the page to toggle between pages
  2. Individual students are listed below the column headers with their name and University ID displayed
    • Use the arrows to the left of the name to expand and collapse the details for each student
    • As you scroll down the page, the column headers will hover at the top of your browser so you can always see them

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Navigation arrows, 2. Pay cycle/Pay period

  1. Use the arrows on the left side to expand and collapse the individual windows
  2. The Status displayed when the pay period is collapsed corresponds to the entire 2-week pay period
    • If a student has submitted one week for approval but not the second week then the overall Status will be Not Complete
  3. Click on the Approve, Reject, Comments, and View buttons to take action on the time sheet

Numbers corresponding to, 1. The expanded employee pay cycle, 2. The status column, 3. Buttons to approve or reject the time card

  1. Use the arrows on the left side to expand and collapse the individual windows
  2. If the student has more than one position then Non-Managed Position will be displayed for any positions for which you are not the supervisor, along with the position title and ID
  3. The Total Hours displayed when the pay period is collapsed is the total number of hours entered for ALL positions
    • In this example, the student entered 6 hours for the Tour Guide position and 4 hours for the PC Support position for a total of 10 hours overall
  4. Click on the Approve, Reject, Comments, and View buttons to take action on the time sheet

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Student pay cycle, 2. A selected position, 3. Total hours column, 4. options to approve or deny the time card

  1. The Status will update once you take action on the time sheet
  2. Once a time sheet is approved, the supervisor can unapprove it as long as the supervisor deadline has not passed

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Status, 2. options to unapproved or reject

View time sheet details
  1. When you click the View button on the Time Approval summary page then the time sheet details will be displayed
    • The name of the student is displayed at the top of the page
    • Use the Time Approval link to return to the Time Approval Summary page
    • Use the navigation arrows to toggle between weeks, if needed
  2. Each position is displayed in its own window that can be expanded or collapsed
    • The position ID, title, supervisor name, department, number of hours entered, and status are displayed for each position
  3. The Weekly Totals are displayed at the bottom of the page
  4. Use the arrows to expand and collapse the windows
  5. Click on the Save, Other Actions or Approve buttons to take action on the time sheet

Time sheet details screen with numbers corresponding to, 1. Navigation arrows, 2. An example time card, 3. Entered daily hours

  1. Click the Other Actions button to view the options available
  2. Click the appropriate link to take action on the time sheet
    • Approve to approve the time sheet
    • Reject to reject the time sheet
    • Comments to enter comments

Numbers corresponding to, 1. Other actions, 2. Options for approve, reject, or comments

  1. When an individual position window is expanded, the individual days of the week are displayed with the hours worked
    • The Position Total Hours are displayed in a separate row for each day
  2. You are able to view the hours entered for a non-managed position but you are not able to edit the time sheet
  3. The totals for each position are displayed in the last column and the totals for all positions combined are displayed in the last column and last row
  4. Click on the Save, Other Actions or Approve buttons to take action on the time sheet

A completed time card

Enter comments
  1. Any previously entered comments are displayed at the top of the window under the appropriate position title
    • The comments are stamped with the date and time they were entered
    • Use the navigation arrows on the right to see more comments, if needed
  2. Enter your comments in the window
  3. Click the Send button to record your comments

The comments screen with an example of an employee comment, and the ability to add a new comment

Reject a time sheet
  1. The supervisor name, student name and pay period dates are displayed at the top of the Reject Time Sheet window
  2. Enter the Rejection Reason in the window
  3. Click the Reject button to record your decision

The Reject time sheet screen with the ability to add a comment for the rejection reason

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If you are experiencing issues with OnTrack, first browse the OnTrack articles found in the Knowledge Base. Also, remember that your OnTrack password may be different than your Elon account password (the account used for accessing email, Moodle, etc.).

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