Banking Information for Payroll Direct Deposit

Skip to: Access Banking InformationAdd an Account | Account Details | Account Verification | Edit, Inactivate or End, or Reactivate an Account | Add Multiple Accounts | Email Notification

Access Banking Information

Log into OnTrack and click on the Banking Information button or select Financial Information (institution icon) from the left navigation menu and choose Banking Information.

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Add an Account
  1. To add a new account, click on the +Add an Account button on the right side of the page.

  1. Slide the Activate toggle to the right.

  1. Enter the Effective Date and End Date.
  2. Read the verification details in the blue information box.
  3. Complete the Deposit Details.
  4. Click Next.  Skip to Account Details for further instructions.

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Account Details
  1. Enter the Account Nickname for the account you are adding.
  2. Enter the Routing Number for your bank.
    • Hover on the information icon below Routing Number and Bank Account Number for help with locating those numbers.
    • If the Routing Number is not recognized by the form then the box will turn red and display the following error message: The routing number is invalid. 
      • Please contact Payroll at 336-278-5273 for help.
  3. Enter your bank account number in the Bank Account Number and Re-enter Bank Account Number fields.
    • If the account numbers do not match each other then they will turn red and display the following error message: Bank account numbers do not match.
    • Re-enter the number in each box so they match.
  4. Read the Terms and Conditions and check the box to agree to them.
  5. Click Submit.

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Account Verification

New accounts have an initial Verification status of Not Verified.  Payroll funds will not be deposited into your account until the Verification status is Verified and verification takes up to 24 hours to process.

To ensure smooth transactions, Elon recommends making any banking changes well before the end of a payroll period. Remember, payroll processing can sometimes occur a few days prior to funds being deposited in your account.

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Edit, Inactivate or End, or Reactivate an Account

Edit an Account

After a bank account is considered verified, you can change only the account nickname and bank account usage information. You cannot change other information, such as the bank account number.

Inactivate or End an Account

Select the account that you want to end. Under Bank Account Usage, slide the Activate toggle to the left. This sets the end date to yesterday. Alternatively, you can click End on and enter a date.

Be aware, however, that if you are ending an active account and payroll processing has been completed, your change will take effect with the next payroll.

Note: Turning off a future payroll direct deposit account is the same as deleting the account.

Reactivate an Account

You can change or remove the end date from an active or future payroll direct deposit account, but you cannot reactivate an account whose end date has passed or an account that has been deleted. Instead, you must add the account again.

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Add Multiple Accounts
  1. Add a new account by following the first two steps of Add an Account. Enter the Effective Date and End Date.
  2. Read the verification details in the blue information box.
  3. Select the Specific Amount radio button in the Deposit Details section.
  4. Enter the amount to be deposited in the box.
  5. Click on New Account in the Deposit Priority section.
  6. Click Next.  Skip to Account Details for further instructions.

Once the new account is added then both accounts are listed on the Banking Information page along with the Amount and Deposit Priority information.

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Email Notification

Any time an account is added, changed, or ended using the OnTrack Banking Information form, an email notification is sent to your Elon email address.

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