Enter Grades via OnTrack

Select a Course Section

Navigate to OnTrack. In the Section column, click on the course section for which you wish to view the roster.

The course section section screen

Grading Tab
  1. Click on the Grading tab
  2. Click on the Final Grade tab to input final grades or click on Midterm 1 to input midterm grades
  3. If you have not yet completed grading, a banner is displayed with a message that grades have not yet been posted

The self service screen with information under the Grading tab

Input Grades
  • For each student, use the drop-down list to select a grade in the Final Grade column or Midterm Grade column
  • Please remember, faculty no longer enter A-F letter grades at midterm.  Students must be assigned either
    • S - Making Satisfactory progress in the course
    • AR - At Risk for non-success in the course

The final grade dropdown for a student

  1. If entering an F Final Grade for a student
  2. You must also include the Last Date of Attendance or check the box in the Never Attended column
  3. An error message is displayed if a F is chosen but attendance is not recorded

A message informing you that the date of attendance is required

Post Grades

Once you have entered the grade(s), click the Post Grades button

The post grades button

  • You may enter and post grades one at a time or as a batch
  • If you do not click Post Grades, the grades you entered for a student will save but not post, so you can return to grading at any time and pick up where you left off
  • When you click Post Grades, you are prompted to confirm the grades you are posting and click Post Grades a second time

The confirm grades posting screen

View Other Sections or Courses

To return to the previous screen and select a different section or course, click Back to Courses on the top left of the screen

The back to courses button is circled

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If you are experiencing issues with OnTrack, first browse the OnTrack articles found in the Knowledge Base. Also, remember that your OnTrack password may be different than your Elon account password (the account used for accessing email, Moodle, etc.).

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