Favorite Forms and People in Colleague

Skip to: Add a Form to FavoritesAccess a Favorite Form | Add a Person to Favorites | Access a Favorite Person

Add a Form to Favorites

Open the form. Click on the star beside the form name at the top of the form.
An image of a colleague window where the Favorite star is circled.

A new window will appear. You can organize your list of favorite forms into different folders. Click New Folder to create a new folder. Choose the appropriate folder from the Add to Folder drop down box. Click Add to add the form to your Favorites.
An example of the form to fill out when adding a Colleague Form to your Favorites list.

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Access a Favorite Form
  1. Access your favorites by clicking on the star at the top left of your Colleague session.
  2. Click the name of the form.
  3. Click on Open.
    An image showing how to access a favorite form, with 1 from above located next to the favorite star, with 2 from above next to the favorited form, and 3 from above being next to the open link.

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Add a Person to Favorites

When the person is in the context card, click on the star to the right of the context card at the top of the screen.
An example of a Colleague window with the favorite star circled.

A new window will appear. You can organize your list of favorite people into different folders. Click New Folder to create a new folder. Choose the appropriate folder from the Add to Folder drop down box. Click Add to add the person to your Favorites.
An example of the form to fill out when adding a person to your favorites list. The add link is circled.

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Access a Favorite Person
  1. Access your favorites by clicking on the star at the top left of your Colleague session.
  2. Click the name of the person.
  3. Click on Open.
    An example of the screen and method to add a person to your favorites, with 1 from above the favorite star, 2 from above being the person on the screen, and 3 from above being labeled as the Open link.

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