Term Structure
Elon’s undergraduate term structure is YY/## where YY is the two-digit year and ## is the term code. The term codes are as follows:
- 01 – Fall
- 02 – Winter
- 03 – Spring
- 04 – Summer I
- 05 – Summer II
For example, Fall 2018 is 18/01 and Spring 2019 is 19/03.
Each graduate program follows the same structure of YY/## or YY/### where YY is the two-digit year but the term code differs with each program.
Person/Student/Faculty Lookup
Enter the name in any combination and any order of first, last, and middle name/initial:
- lastname (at least the first 2 letters)
- lastname, firstname
- lastname, firstname middlename
- lastname, firstname middleinitial
- firstname lastname
- firstname middlename lastname
- firstname middleinitial lastname
To search for multi-part names, either use an underscore for the spaces or leave out the spaces (van_buren or vanburen for the name Van Buren).

Using @
Enter @ (Shift+2) to retrieve the last record you worked on. You can use this option to retrieve the last record you worked with on a different form if the second form is keyed by the same file as the first.

Using ...
The ellipsis (…) wildcard can be used in lookups to maximize the search results. Here are some person lookup examples:
- Whi… - returns anyone with last name beginning with Whi
- …ite – returns anyone with last name ending with ite
- …hit… - returns anyone with last name with hit anywhere in the name
The ellipsis can also be entered with no other characters to return all records. However, this should ONLY be used with SMALL sets of data.
Save vs Cancel
Clicking Save or Save All in a form will save all the information and exit the form. Clicking Cancel or Cancel All in a form will not save any information and exit the form.
To run a report or process, click Save or Save All.
The difference between Save and Save All is that Save will issue a final prompt and allow the user to return to the form. Save All is a final action that will not allow the user to change their mind.
The difference between Cancel and Cancel All is that Cancel will issue a final prompt and allow the user to return to the form. Cancel All is a final action that will not allow the user to change their mind.
When in doubt, click on Cancel or Cancel All to exit a form to avoid saving incorrect information.

Card view vs Grid view
When performing a lookup, Colleague displays the results in a window in either card or grid view. Click on the card or grid view icons at the top of the window to switch between views.
Card view displays the information in an expanded, card-like format.
Grid view displays the information in a collapsed, spreadsheet-like format. Users can sort on a column when in grid view.

Required fields
Required fields on forms are outlined in red.

Export to PDF
When information is displayed in the report browser, the information can be exported to a pdf. Click on Export PDF at the top of the report browser. When the Formatting Options window appears, change any options, if needed, then click on Create PDF.

Detail to a new form
Click on the detail icon to access a new form or process.
Generally speaking, if the small window beside the detail icon has an X, then there is information on the new form. If there is no X, then no information is on the new form.