View Moodle as a Student

Viewing Moodle as a student is an excellent way to configure the appearance of your Moodle page, ensure your students are able to see content content you have posted, and identify issues when students are unable to view material. It is easy to overlook course items that have been hidden for students, as they will still be visible to you. We recommend using this view option as you build and teach your course. Temporarily switching to the Student role in your course will allow you to see the same things they do, including course content and grade structures. You will also be able to open and preview assignments, quizzes, and other activities. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.

1. Navigate to the course you would like to view as a student. Click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of Moodle, and select "Switch role to..." from the drop down menu.

2. This will bring you to a page where you can select the role you want to view your page from. Select "Student".

  • Please note that the roles you have access to may vary.

3. You are now viewing your course as a student. You can identify which role you have switched to by the label next to your profile icon.

  • While in the student role, you should not be able to see any editing options. The Settings and Grades menus within the course will disappear.

4. To return to your normal role, click your profile icon (top-right corner) and select "Return to my normal role" from the drop down menu.

  • Do not leave the course without first returning to your normal role. 

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