Shared Mailbox via Office 365

When accessing a shared mailbox via Office 365, you will need to follow this process each time you login. See the instructions for configuring a shared mailbox for Outlook (PC or Mac) or iOS devices to have the shared mailbox configured for repetitive access.

1.) Log into your email account at

2.) Click the photo icon in the upper right-hand corner (it may contain your initials, as shown below)

3.) Select 'Open another mailbox...' from the drop-down list

The profile dropdown with the "open another mailbox" option circled

4.) Enter the name of the shared mailbox

The Open another mailbox dialog with search results

5.) Click 'Open'

The open another mailbox dialog with the "open" option circled

6.) Sometimes, depending on the mailbox you are trying to connect to, you may receive an error that a mailbox cannot be found.  If you have verified the mailbox name, it may be giving you the error because the mailbox is hidden from the Global Address Book.  Mailboxes that are hidden from the Global Address Book cannot be added to Outlook unless Information Technology changes the shared mailbox attribute called msExchHideFromAddressLists in Active Directory to false or Not Set.

Your shared mailbox will now open as another tab in your web browser. Remember, if you want to send emails from your normal account, you will need to switch tabs back to your own email inbox.

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Related Services / Offerings (1)

Submit a request to create a new shared mailbox, change an existing mailbox name, add/remove access, or transfer ownership of a shared mailbox.

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