Powell Learning Spaces

Tags powell


A list of available learning spaces with technology in Powell.

Building Room List

108K   conference room

210   classroom

213   Elon Polls

302   classroom

304   classroom

306   classroom and lab

311   classroom

Event/Space Reservation

The 25 Live logo

Please click the logo above or access the simple scheduling option.

Building Floor Plan

Powell Floor Plan

Please click the link above or access the floor plans website.

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Related Articles (7)

Conference room equipped with a table, rolling chairs, multiple conference calling programs, data projector, and a screen.
Classroom that seats up to 25 students and includes a a desktop computer, overhead projector, a touch panel.
Student workers can call participants while being managed by a faculty member sitting at the front of the room. Up to 30 students and 1 supervisor can be conducting polls in the room at once.
Classroom with a projector system and seating for 33 students.
Seats up to 30 students and features a desktop computer and projector system.
Classroom and lab with seating available for 24 people and includes a document camera, an overhead projector, and a touch panel controlling the entire room.
Seats up to 28 students and features a desktop computer and overhead projector system.

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