Powell 108K

Room Summary

Picture of Powell 108 with projector screen down and projector on. Picture of front of Powell 108 with projector off. Picture of Powell 108 from the front of the room.




Located on the first floor of Powell, this is a conference room equipped with a table, rolling chairs, multiple conference calling programs, data projector, and a screen. 

How to Use Room: Base Level Operations

  1. Tap the power button on the Media Presentation Controller to turn on the projector. Picture of the Media Presentation Controller in Powell 108.
  2. To turn off the system, tap the power button.

Available Equipment

The following is a list of equipment available in Powell 108K

Equipment Manufacturer Model/Type
Projector  Canon WUX500ST
Media Presentation Controller Crestron MPC3-102-B
Web Camera Logitech MeetUp
Wireless presentation (AirMedia)  Crestron AM-200
Laptop Connectivity HDMI  


1.) Media Presentation Controller (Crestron)

Basic Operating Instructions

  1. Tap the power icon to turn on the system.
  2. Select the input that you want to display on the TV.
  3. Tap the power button on the top right of the touch panel to turn off the system.


2.) Laptop Connectivity

Basic Operating Instructions for HDMI

  1. Make sure that the Crestron system is on.
  2. Select HDMI on the touch panel.
    1. Picture of what to press on the media presentation controller for HDMI connection.
  3. Plug your device in using the HDMI cord located in the front right of the room.
    1. Picture of HDMI cable in Powell 108.
  4. Ensure that your device is on.

Basic Operating Instructions for AirMedia

  1. Make sure that the Crestron system is on.
  2. Select the AirMedia option on the touch panel.
    1. Picture of AirMedia on Media Presentation Controller.
For Macs (AirPlay)
  1. Type out the AirMedia URL located on the bottom left side of the projector screen into the address bar and hit enter. 

    1. Picture of the URL for AirMedia in Powell 108

  2. Once the AirMedia webpage loads, click on the "Start Presenting" button. 
    1. Picture of the "Start Presenting" button once on the AirMedia site.
  3. If the AirMedia application is already downloaded, the application should launch. If it doesn't launch, open up the application and enter the code located on the bottom left corner of the projector screen. 
  4. If the AirMedia application is not downloaded, click the button to download the application. 
    1. Picture of the button to press to download AirMedia application on Macs.
  5. Once downloaded, open up the Crestron AirMedia application. 
    1. Picture of the AirMedia application after it's finished downloading.
  6. Follow the directions stated on the AirPlay Guidance window. 
    1. Picture of the AirPlay instructions.
    2. Click on the AirPlay button located on the Menu Bar of the Mac.
      1. Picture of AirPlay icon on Mac
    3. Click on the room's AirPlay address 
      1. Picture of AirPlay address on Mac
    4. Enter the password for AirPlay located on the bottom left corner of projector screen. Click OK once the code is entered and your computer display should be projected onto the screen. If sound isn't coming out, check the volume on the Creston panel.
      1. Picture of where to enter password on AirPlay for Mac.
  7. To turn AirPlay off click on the Airplay icon in the Menu Bar on the Mac. 
    1. Picture of what to press on the Mac to turn AirPlay off.
  8. Click on the "Turn AirPlay Off" button 
    1. Picture of what to click to turn AirPlay off
      Click on the photos above to enlarge.
For PCs
  1. Type out the AirMedia URL located on the bottom left side of the projector screen into the address bar and hit enter. 
    1. Picture of AirMedia URL to be put in.
  2. Once the AirMedia webpage loads, click on the "Start Presenting" button.  
    1. Picture of what to press once entering the AirMedia URL for Powell 108
  3. If the AirMedia application is not downloaded, click the button to download the application and follow instructions to download. 
    1. Picture of what to press if AirMedia not downloaded on PC.
  4. If AirMedia application has already been downloaded, enter the code for Powell 108 located on the bottom left corner of the projector screen. 
    1. Picture of where to enter code
  5. Once the code has been entered, click the OK button and your computer display should be projected onto the screen. If sound isn't coming out, check the volume on the Creston panel.
    1. Picture of what to press after typing in the room's code.

Additional Room Features

Basic Operating Instructions for Webex

  1. Joining a Webex meeting 
  2. How to schedule a Webex meeting 
  3. Uploading Webex recordings via Kaltura 
  4. Webex frequently asked questions 
  5. Tips for a successful Webex

Logitech MeetUp Webcam

Logitech MeetUp Webcam is located in the front of the room. 

Picture of Logitech MeetUp Camera Picture the Logitech MeetUp Webcam remote.

  1. To turn on, press the power button located on the back righthand side of the webcam.
    1. Picture of power button on webcam
  2. Find the USB cable located in the front, right side of the room and plug it into your device. Then, connect the HDMI cable, located to the right of the USB cable, into your device. 
    1. Picture of USB to plug into laptop for webcam
  3. How to Set up Logitech MeetUp Webcam
Logitech Speakerphone 

Located in the front left corner of the room is the Logitech Speakerphone. 

Picture of Logitech speakerphone

To hook up the speakerphone, plug in the cable to the back of the Logitech Webcam.

Picture of where to plug in Logitech speakerphone

After its plugged into the webcam, make sure your laptop's Bluetooth is on and connect to the Logitech Speakerphone. 

Picture of bluetooth for webcam.



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