Mobile Hot Spot Request

A mobile hotspot is a feature on most smartphones that enables you to share the phone's data connection with other Wi-Fi devices (e.g., laptops, tablets). Mobile hotspots are convenient for times when you are traveling to locations and need to use your laptop, but aren't able to connect to Wi-Fi. Simply activate the mobile hotspot and your laptop can share your phone's cellular connection to access the internet.

While some university-sponsored cellular plans include mobile hotspots, others do not. If you are unsure if you have the mobile hotspot feature as a part of your plan, try activating it. Accessing the mobile hotspot feature varies by phone/operating system, but a quick Google search should help you find where the mobile hotspot setting is located on your phone (mobile hotspot is also referred to as tethering or personal hotspot). If you receive a message that it's not available, you likely don't have that feature as a part of your plan. 

Available To

University-owned phones issued to faculty and staff

Benefits & Key Features

Share your phone's cellular connection with your laptop to access the internet (when Wi-Fi isn't available).


Varies based upon plan and carrier. 

Submit a Request

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