
IntelliBoard is a reporting and analytics tool integrated into Moodle, Elon's learning management system.

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Available To

Users with an instructor role, have access to IntelliBoard reports and analytics for courses within Moodle.

Benefits & Key Features

IntelliBoard reports and course analytics allow instructors to monitor student engagement in courses. Three commonly used reports include the Needs Grading Report, Forum Post Performance Report, and Learner Success Report.

The Needs Grading Report displays work students have submitted that needs to be graded by the instructor.

The Forum Posts Performance Report provides the following details about student participation in a forum.

  • Average number of Posts per Month
  • Average number of Posts per Week
  • Average number of Posts per Day
  • Most Active Time of Day
  • Most Active Time of Month
  • Most Active Day

The Learner Success and Progress Report provides the following details about a student’s progress in the course.

  • First and Last Name
  • Email address
  • Course Name
  • Started - when the student was enrolled in your course
  • Progress - student progress in your course
  • Letter - letter grade associated with the grade the student currently has
  • Completed activities - the number of activities the student has completed in the course
  • Score - the students score in the course
  • Status - the students status in the course (this is connected to activity completion within the course)
  • Visits - the number of times the student has visited the course
  • Time spent - the total amount of time the student has spent in the course


IntelliBoard is a free tool within Moodle.

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