Online Directory for Faculty & Staff: Report an Issue

The Faculty & Staff Directory is a publicly-accessible directory of all university faculty and staff. This directory is searchable by name, department and area of expertise. Each directory page serves as a public profile for faculty and staff and includes their name, picture (if available), title, department and contact information. Faculty and staff can log in to the directory to add or edit other information including a bio, education, research, publications, courses taught, expertise and more.  

If you are a faculty or staff member and need to change your name, title, department or contact information, contact Human Resources. All other profile information can be edited by logging in with your Elon Account.

If you are experiencing issues with the Faculty & Staff Directory, choose "Report an Issue".

Available To

Publicly accessible directory of faculty and staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • Search for colleagues by department, name, or area of expertise
  • Craft your Elon professional profile by adding your bio, education, publications, and more
  • Login to access a full-resolution version of your profile picture


There is no cost to use this service.

Report an Issue

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