Digital Signage: Report an Issue

Digital signs are located in buildings throughout campus to communicate events, opportunities, and other information to the campus community. Many of the centrally located digital signs also communicate emergency messages. Digital signs are installed and designed by IT, while the content is managed by designated digital sign managers. There are different types of digital signs on campus including those that simply roll through announcements or pictures, interactive touch screens, and screens that are setup with audio/video capabilities. 

If you experience a problem with a digital sign, whether you are walking by and the sign isn't working properly, or you are an editor and need help, please select "Report an Issue". 

Available To

Digital signage is found throughout campus; the audience for digital signage varies depending on location.

If you'd like to submit content to a digital sign, contact the designated digital sign manager.

Benefits & Key Features

  • Communicate events, announcements, and other information to the campus community and visitors
  • Highlight majors, minors, concentrations, and departmental initiatives
  • For screens with audio/video capability, add videos for those touring the campus 


Digital signage costs include hardware and installation; prices vary based upon the available technology, installation locations, and required components. 

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