Conference Call Bridge

A conference call bridge is a telephone service that allows multiple callers to be connected together seamlessly over a conference call using a phone number (and password if desired) that you provide. For infrequent users, a temporary bridge number may be requested through Media Services by completing the Event Technology Request Form.

A dedicated number may be set up for users with frequent or ongoing needs for conference bridge services. This must be set up well in advance of the anticipated use. To request a conference call bridge, select "Submit a Request" and complete the form.

When one or more people are using the conference bridge to call into a meeting where several people are gathered in person, a conference phone with extended microphones is helpful. To request a conference phone through Media Services, complete the Event Technology Request Form.

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • A bridge number provides a simple way to set up a conference call
  • Professional setup and equipment training by Media Services staff available


There is no cost to use this service.

Submit a Request

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