E-Alert: Report an Issue

Elon University’s E-Alert notification system enables officials to send urgent news to your cell phone. Once you sign up for the service, Elon can text your cell phone and email you timely information about emergencies, class cancellations, and important weather updates.

To receive these emergency messages, you must register and select the groups from which you would like to receive messages. Your personal information will be used solely for selected notifications and will not be released. The E-Alert service is free. Depending on your personal cell phone plan, text messaging rates may apply.

If you are experiencing trouble accessing E-Alert, select "Report an Issue" to get help.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Receive emergency notifications to your cell phone and/or email
  • Select the specific group(s) of notifications you'd like to receive, e.g. emergency notifications, weather alerts


There is no cost associated with this service. However, depending on your personal cell phone plan, text messaging rates may apply.

Report an Issue

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