
AppTrack is Elon’s online position management and applicant tracking system for staff employees. This system, powered by PeopleAdmin©, streamlines the hiring process by allowing hiring managers to post positions, collect applicant information, assign hiring committee members, and capture notes in one central location. 

Please see our AppTrack knowledge base articles for an introduction to the tool, help creating or reviewing a requisition, or help initiating the review process. For other issues, choose "Report an Issue" and tell us more.

Available To

  • Hiring managers for staff positions and applicants

Benefits & Features

  • Hiring managers can post staff positions, obtain approvals, collect applicant information, assign committee members, and capture notes all in one place
  • Applicants receive automated email notifications throughout the hiring process
  • Applicants benefit from a streamlined application process for all staff openings 
  • Applicants can easily view a full list of open staff positions
  • All position approvals are handled and captured within the system


There is no cost associated with this service.

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