United Way: Report an Issue

The United Way is a nonprofit organization that partners with local agencies to address pressing needs and support programs benefiting all in our local community. The Elon United Way Campaign launches each fall and encourages faculty and staff to give back to the community by contributing to the United Way of Alamance County. Contributions can be made by cash, check, or through the OnTrack system. Payments through OnTrack can be made as a one-time annual donation, or a monthly re-occuring donation. 

To make a contribution through OnTrack, login and choose OnTrack for Faculty or OnTrack for Staff. If you are a faculty member, you'll see "United Way" under the Personal Profile section. If you are staff, you'll see the "United Way" link under Employment Information

If you are experiencing issues with the United Way form in OnTrack, choose "Report an Issue" and complete the form provided.

Available To

Faculty and Staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • Support the United Way of Alamance County and make a difference in the lives of our local community
  • Use the OnTrack United Way form to easily make a one-time donation or setup monthly re-occuring payments. 


There is no cost to use this service. 

Report an Issue

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