First Year Summer Experience Registration: Report an Issue

Elon's First-Year Summer Experience (FSE) programs offer incoming students fun and enriching opportunities to engage with other students and faculty before arriving on campus in the fall. Incoming students use the First Year Summer Experience Registration website to choose a program and submit payments. This website is usually available in mid-spring and requires the student to use their Elon-issued username and password (also referred to as the Elon Account). 

Learn more about First-Year Summer Experiences (FSE).

To inquire about program status or to ask questions, contact New Student & Transition Programs or phone (336-278-7000) for more information. Upon program acceptance, participants will receive further information including the balance deadline. 

If you are having issues with the registration website, choose "Report an Issue" and tell us more. 

Available To

Incoming first year students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Register for First Year Summer Experience programs and submit a payment online
  • Create a payment schedule if desired
  • Waitlists are available for programs that are at capacity


See the First-Year Summer Experiences (FSE) website for associated program costs.

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