SharePoint Request

At Elon, SharePoint is used in two primary ways:

  • Team Sites: Team sites are the default collaborative sites created for departments, committees, or project teams. These sites contain components that you’ll find useful for collaboration such as an area to share and collaborate on files, a team calendar, and a task list you can use to organize projects or tasks for your team.
  • Forms, Workflows, and Data Management: IT can help you create a SharePoint-powered form that will not only help you collect and organize your data, but also has the ability to integrate workflows. For example, if your form needs an approval after submission, we can help you build a form that sends the form to the specified person for approval, recording every step along the way. 

If you would like to request a Team Site, refer to the SharePoint Team Site Request page

To request a form, new feature, or workflow in SharePoint, choose "Submit a Request" and tell us more. 

Available To

Faculty, Staff

Benefits & Key Features

  • SharePoint-powered forms allow for easy data collection, organization, and notifications. Workflows can be added to forms for approvals or to trigger other activities (e.g., once approved, send to an email to the next approver).
  • Ask IT's Enterprise Solutions team to add a feature to your existing SharePoint solution


There is no cost associated with this service. 

Submit a Request

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