Transfer Team Ownership

With Microsoft Teams, team owners can manage team-wide settings. Some of these include the ability to set permissions, add tabs and connectors, @mention the entire team or channel, as well as restrict the usage of different social functions, such as GIFs and memes.

Current Elon faculty, staff, and students may transfer team ownership or add team owners, which allows you to share responsibilities, such as managing membership, settings, and invitations. 

If a team's owner has left the university and ownership needs to be transferred, please select "Submit a Request" and complete the form. Please note, this request must be submitted by the former supervisor of the listed team owner.

If you are experiencing technical trouble with Microsoft Teams, please use the Microsoft Office service to report an issue.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Transfer ownership of a Microsoft team after a team owner is no longer with the university


There is no cost associated with this service.

Submit a Request

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