Content Management System Access Request

Tags wordpress

The Office of University Communications manages the Elon's websites, which are hosted on the WordPress content management system (CMS). Web development staff create and maintain elements and most pages within the website, with a focus on those accessed by external audiences. This includes the main university home page, navigation, directories, maps, news and department sites for Admissions, Academics, Administration, Student Life, Advancement, Parents and Alumni.

WordPress CMS access allows you to edit and enhance website copy, upload images, embed videos and more, while following the university's official identity and brand standards. Web development staff also hosts CMS training and grants access for designated users. For more information and to request other types of website support, visit University Communication's web production page.

Select the "Request or Remove CMS Access" button to submit a request to the Office of University Communications.

Available To

Faculty and Staff who manage departmental website content

Request or Remove CMS Access

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