Moodle LTI Plugin Request

A Moodle LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) plugin is a software extension designed to improve Moodle's functionality. It allow faculty to integrate external learning tools and resources into your Moodle courses. Using LTI plugins, you may add third party educational applications like interactive simulations, content and quiz libraries, automatic graders, or collaborative functions directly within your Moodle courses. Examples of current Moodle LTIs include Zoom,, Barnes & Nobles etc. 

To request a new Moodle LTI plugin, select "Submit a Request" and complete the form. Please allow 2-3 weeks to research, test, and implement approved plugins.

Available To


Benefits & Key Features

  • Enhanced Interactivity: Moodle LTI plugins allow faculty to incorporate a wide variety of interactive tools, such as simulations and content libraries into your courses for engaged learning.
  • Streamlined Assessment: Automate grading, reducing teacher workload.
  • Diverse Content Access: Access third-party resources like quizzes and collaborations.
  • Centralized Learning: Everything students need is in one place for simplicity.


There is no cost associated with this service

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