Email Students through Moodle

Moodle has a feature that allows you to send an email to all the students in your course, directly from the site.You can send this email (with optional attachments) to your class, individual students, or groups you've created. These emails will go to your students' Elon email accounts, and are also stored within your Moodle course as part of course record. Use the steps below to email your students using the Quickmail block. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.

1. Navigate to the course you would like to email. Open your Block Drawer by clicking on the grey tab in the top-right corner of your course.

2. Scroll to the Quickmail block in your Block Drawer. Click "Compose course message".

  • Note: If you do not see a Quickmail block in your Block Drawer or have not added one, please visit our article on Editing your Block Drawer.

3. You will be directed to a page for composing your message. In the "To" field, either type in the name of the user you would like to email or click the drop-down menu to select the user.

  • Those who you have selected to receive the message will appear as tags above the "To" field.
  • If you would like to email all of the students in your course, you can select the option "All In Course" from the drop-down menu. You can also email all those who fall under a specific role, specific groups, etc.

3.You may also select groups, users, or roles in the "Exclude" field.

4. Write a short descriptor in the "Subject" line.

5.  Compose your message in the "Body" section.

6. Drag and drop any necessary attachments into the drop box, or click on the file icon to browse files on your computer.

6. Add a signature to your message.

  • Please note: clicking "Create a new signature" will redirect you away from the page you are currently on. Your message may not be saved. If you would like to create a new signature, please do so from the Quickmail block in your Block Drawer.

6. If you wish to send your email at a specific date and time, you can enable the "Send at" option.

7. If you would like to receive a confirmation email, select "Yes". The send report email for this message will be sent to those selected in the "From" field.

8. When you are finished you have three options; "Send Message", "Save Draft", or "Cancel".

  • If you chose to save your message as a draft, you can access it later from the Quickmail block by clicking on "View Drafts".

9. Important Notes

  • Emails sent through the Quickmail block are sometimes mistakenly flagged as spam or junk by Outlook 365 and Gmail. If you've sent an email and your students say they haven't received it, encourage them to check the Spam folder in their Elon email account.
  • Please take note of the other options in the Quickmail block. From this block, you can view your drafts, any messages you may have scheduled, and messages you have sent. You can also create signatures and alternate emails.

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