Record Videos in Moodle - Getting Started

Recording videos 

Elon has several tools for recording presentation videos - listed below. If you are already familiar with one of them, stick with it. If not, Kaltura will give you a higher quality video.  

Good practices

  • Know what you’re trying to accomplish with your video. Before you setup your camera and start rolling, think about what you will be trying to accomplish with your video content. If you are recording without a script in front of you, it is important to know your intent in creating a video. 

  • Watch the length of your videos. A typical video presentation will run 8-10 minutes. Any longer than that, and you risk losing the attention of your viewer. 

  • Clear audio is important. if you have an external microphone to connect to your laptop, use it. If not, try to limit any background noise that could be recorded with your video.  

  • View the recording like you view the classroom. Nervous about seeing yourself on camera? Think about video lectures like you think about standing up in front of the class. Just imagine yourself giving a traditional lecture and this may ease any pre-shoot anxiety. 

  • Consider your lighting. Natural sunlight is the best possible light source, and you can take advantage of it by setting up near a window during the day. Sit facing the window, so the light is illuminating your face. There are only so many hours in the day, and at some point, you’ll need to use artificial lighting for your video. Overhead lighting may be unflattering; try turning it off and using floor or table lamps instead. Placing a lamp in front of you on the right and the left, a little higher than your eye level, should be a good starting point.  

  • Be wary of distracting backgrounds. Film against a simple backdrop, so as not to distract students from the content or lecture. 

  • Think about the psychological effects of camera placement. Place your camera at eye level to establish authority when filming. If the camera looks up at you, you risk appearing intimidating. If the camera looks down on you, then you appear less commanding. 

  • Embed your video in Moodle.  Zoom and Kaltura save directly to Moodle to make it easier for you to add to your Moodle course. Learn more about adding video to Moodle.  

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Walks you through how to use the audio and video buttons in the text editor of Moodle.

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