Add a Course Banner

Adding a course banner will help differentiate your course from others, and improve the look of your individual course page. The Elon University Flickr page is an excellent source of photos from Elon's campus and events. Several options are available in a OneDrive gallery. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.

1. Navigate to the course you would like to add a banner to. Select "Settings" from menu. You do not need to have your page in Edit mode.

2. Scroll to the option labelled "Course image" under the section called "Description".

3. Drag and drop an image into the drop box, or click on the file icon at the top-left of the box to browse files on your computer.

  • Only one image may be uploaded. If you would like to delete a previous image, select the image icon and click "Delete" and "Okay" in the pop-up windows.
  • Please note the accepted file types listed below the drop box.
  • We recommend dimensions of at least 1200x800. 
  • We recommend not using text in your image. 

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save and Display".

5. What will the course banner look like?

From the course page, the banner will appear at the top underneath the white gradient.

From your Dashboard and My Courses pages, the banner will appear at the top of the course tile.

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