Activity Completion in Moodle

Activity completion allows the instructor to set completion criteria in a specific activity's settings. This might include viewing, receiving a certain score, or a student marking it as complete. This will help students track their progress in the course, and activity completion status can also be used to restrict other assignments. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here and here.

Please note: This articles complains four parts. Part I and II are about setting up activity completion for individual course items, and how you can structure your course using this setting. Part III and IV are about bulk editing Activity completion, and how you can view completion reports.

Part I: Setting up individual Activity completion

1. Navigate to the class containing the assignment(s) you would like to configure completion for. Toggle the Edit switch on.

2. Select the ellipses menu at the right of your chosen activity. Click "Edit settings'.

3. You will be automatically directed to the settings for this activity. Scroll down to the section "Activity completion", and edit the settings as you prefer.

  • Completion tracking: Select how you would like this activity to be marked complete. You can either have students mark their completion manually, or completion can be marked based on a set of conditions you design.
    • If you select "Show completion when a set of conditions are met", more settings will appear. These settings will allow you to base completion off of viewing, making a submission, or earning a passing grade. These options will change based on the type of activity you are using. The example below shows a reading for class, which is marked complete when a student views it.
    • Please note: We do not recommend using "Students can manually mark complete" if this completion is dependent on a grade or access to another part of the course. The manual completion button is easily missed, and students who completed the assignment may forget to mark it. Use this only if you would like to provide your students with a way to gauge their own progress.
  • Expected completion on: This specifies the date on which the activity is expected to be completed on. When this date is upcoming, it will appear in the Timeline block on a student's Dashboard.

4. Once you are finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and click "Save and display".

5. On your course page, activities will be tagged with their completion requirements.

  • The activity will appear as below for instructors.

  • The activity will appear as below for students. When they meet the completion requirements, the tag will be marked as done.

Part II: Restrict access based on Activity completion

1. You may also want to base activity access on the completion of other activities. To do this, navigate to the settings of activity you would like to restrict.

  • In this example, we have set the completion settings for the reading to "View", so students must view the reading to have it marked complete. Now, we can set restrictions so that the reading quiz is not available until the reading has been completed.

2. Scroll to the section labelled "Restrict access". Select whether you would like to include or exclude students on the basis of a certain characteristic from the topmost drop down menu, labelled, "Student ___ match the following".

3. To add a restriction, select "Add restriction". A window will appear with several different options. Select your restriction type.

  • Activity completion: Require students to complete (or not complete) another activity. After selecting this option, you can select which assignment you require and whether it must be completed/not completed or passed/failed.
  • Date: Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time. This is another option beyond those in the Availability section.
  • Grade: Require students to achieve a specified grade. After selecting this, you can choose a specific assignment to require a grade from, and set numerical parameters for that grade.
  • User profile: Control access based on fields within the student's profile.
  • Restriction set: Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.


4. When you set a restriction, it will appear as below.

  • Here, we have set it up so that the quiz is not available until the student completes the reading.

5. You may wish to also set an individual completion marker for the quiz as well. Scroll to the section "Activity completion", and make your desired selections.

  • Again, this is helpful for your students to track their progress through the class. This can also be further nested with restrictions for other assignments.

6. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click "Save and display".

7. After setting up restrictions and completion settings for your assignment, they will be tagged with those restrictions and completion settings.

  • As pictured below, the completion tags are listed at the right. The restrictions are listed at the left, below the activity names and descriptions. When students meet those requirements, they will be marked green as "Done". Your students will be able to see these tags and restriction requirements.
  • Here, students must complete a reading, take a reading quiz, and do an assignment. The quiz is restricted until the reading is viewed, and will only be marked complete when the student receives a passing grade. The assignment is restricted until the reading is viewed and the quiz is passed, and will only be marked as complete when the student makes a submission.

8. Activity completion will impact the percentage completion bar, which students will see at the top of the course page.

Part III: Default and bulk edit activity completion

1. Return to your course page. Select the drop down menu "More", and click "Course completion".

2. Select how you would like to edit Activity completion from the drop-down menu.

  • Using "Default edit", you can set the completion type for activities you create in the future. This will streamline activity creation, so that you do not have to edit this setting for every single item you create. For example, you might create a default setting for quizzes, so that they will only be counted as complete once a student receives a passing grade.
  • Using "Bulk edit", you can change the completion style for activities you have already created.

3. Select the activities/activity types you would like to edit together, and click "Edit". Remember, completion settings vary between activity types. Certain activities are not able to be edited together.

4. The activities/activity types you are editing are listed at the bottom of the page. Select your preferred completion type, and any necessary settings. Click "Save changes" when you are done.

6. Within the default/bulk activity completion page, you can see edits that you have made to the completion type at the right of the activity/activity type.

Part IV: Activity completion report

1. The activity completion report will allow you to see what activities students have and have not completed. From the course page, select "Reports".

2. You will be directed to the Reports page. Select "Activity report".

3. Here, you can view the activity completion status for each student.

  • Sort by activity using the "Include" and "Activity order" drop-down menus.
  • Find certain students using the First name/Last name sort.
  • Override a completion status by clicking on the check box under the desired activity.

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