
What is phishing email? It is email sent as an attempt to obtain secure information that could allow scammers to commit fraud, such as the university’s or your private information, passwords, or account numbers. These emails use deceptive means such as forging the sender’s address and often ask for you to reply, call a phone number, or click a link in the message. 

It is the responsibility of all Elon users to be knowledgeable of ways to protect both university and personal information. You can review current Information Security Alerts and red flags commonly found in phishing emails on Elon's Information Security website.

To report phishing email threats, forward malicious emails as an attachment to See how to forward emails as attachments.

Available To

Faculty, Staff, Students

Benefits & Key Features

  • Response and investigation of potential phishing threats
  • Proactive defense of your data and personal identifiable information


There is no cost to use this service.


Related Articles (2)

Instructions on how to forward emails as attachments.
Phishing scams FAQ.

Attachments (0)

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