TV: Report an Issue

University-owned TVs are found in some common areas and various meeting/classroom spaces. While some TVs are integrated with Roku and include Philo EDU for live TV viewing, others are simply used for presenting meeting or classroom materials (in lieu of a traditional projector).

Some classrooms and conference rooms are listed in the Knowledge Base with troubleshooting specific to the room. Before reporting an issue, search the Knowledge Base for that location.

If you are still having issues with the TV (connecting to a source, hardware issues, etc.), choose "Report an Issue" and complete the form provided. If you are experiencing problems logging into Philo EDU (or HBOGo), visit those pages in the service catalog to learn more about troubleshooting those issues.

Available To

University-issued TVs are located in common areas and meeting/classroom spaces across campus. 

Benefits & Key Features

  • For TVs in meeting spaces and classrooms, use the TV to display presentations, documents, etc.
  • For TVs in common areas, such as residence halls, watch live TV utilizing Roku and a Philo EDU account.


TV repair costs vary depending on the extent of the issue.

Report an Issue

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