
CourseLink helps to facilitate and record the relationships between academic service learning (ASL) courses and the community partner organizations that students work with to complete the service component of the course.

If you are experiencing issues using CourseLink, choose "Report an Issue" to get help.

Available To

Members of partner organizations (liaisons/primary contacts for the relationship with the university), faculty who are teaching ASL courses in the current term, students taking those courses, and staff admins in IT and the Kernodle Center.

Benefits & Key Features

  • Allows community partners to view the list of ASL courses to be offered in the upcoming term and “pitch” their organizations to the course instructors for consideration.
  • Allows ASL course instructors to view pitches from partner organizations and determine the list of orgs their students can choose to work with in completing the service requirement, given the learning goals of the course.
  • Allows students to view the list of instructor-approved organizations and submit ranked preferences, which the instructor uses to assign students to organizations.


There is no cost to use this service.


All users start by accessing the public community partner list and must login to see all other functionality. Faculty/staff/students log in with their normal AD credentials, while liaisons from community partner organizations log in using site-specific accounts created for them by the site administrator.


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