CeDiploma: Report an Issue

A CeDiploma is an electronic version of an Elon University diploma. Graduates may use their CeDiploma to enter the job market, share with family and friends, and use as electronic proof of their academic achievement. The document is digitally signed and encrypted by CeDiploma Trust. When the document is viewed through Adobe Reader versions 9.0 or higher, or through Adobe Acrobat 9.0 or higher, a blue ribbon will display across the top of the document to indicate document authenticity and validity.

Should the document be altered in any way, the signature will inform the recipient that the document can no longer be trusted. Further, the CeDiploma can be independently validated by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies, and any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement.

The CeDiploma is only available to graduates whose degrees were conferred in May 2015 or later. For other diploma options, refer to the Office of the Registrar's Transcripts & Records page.

If you are a graduate and are having trouble accessing CeDiploma, or are receiving errors when trying to access your CeDiploma, choose "Report an Issue" to get help.

Available To

Only those graduates whose degrees were conferred in May 2015 or later are eligible for CeDiploma.

Benefits & Key Features

  • A verified, electronic version of the Elon University diploma
  • Share with employers, family, or friends
  • Can be independently validated by future employers, State Government Licensing Agencies, and any other entity that wishes to validate your achievement


There is no cost to use this service. 

Report an Issue

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Access diplomas via CeDiploma.

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