This article covers the process of enrolling a user in a Moodle course. Though enrollment updates are handled automatically, they are not immediate. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.
Please note: It may take up to 24 hours for a student to be enrolled in your Moodle course after they register for the course in OnTrack. This same process can be followed to add an instructor to a course. The only change you would have to make is at Step 4, where you would change the role from "Student" to "Teacher."
1. Navigate to the course you would like to add a user to. Select "Participants" from the course menu.

2. Click "Enroll users".

3. You will automatically be directed to a window to search for users to enroll. Enter the name of the user you would like to add in the search box and select the role you would like for them to have. Select "Enroll users" once you are ready.
- A user's role can be changed under the Participants section in the course menu.
- The Enroll Users page will refresh. The student you've added should now appear on the Enrolled Users page. They should also have access to your course (assuming you've made it available).