Making your course available to students is the first step for integrating Moodle into your classroom. By doing so, it will appear in their "My Courses" tab and they will be able to access the content you have made available. If the course is not made available, students will not be able to view the course page or access any of the documents or activities you have set up there. For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.
Please note: Open availability is not the automatic setting for new courses. Professors must manually make courses available to students.
1. Navigate to the course you would like to make available. Select "Settings".

2. Locate "Course visibility" under the section "General". Use the drop-down menu to select "Show".

4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select "Save and display".
- You have now made your course available to students.
- If your students are still not able to view your course, please contact Teaching and Learning Technologies at (336) 278 5006 or