Meta Link Courses Together in Moodle

When instructors teach more than one section of the same course, they may find it easier to link the sections together in Moodle. This way, you only have to upload files and create activities for one course. Follow the directions below to link different sections of the same course together in Moodle. For example, you are teaching sections B, C, and E of BUS1010. You would pick one of the sections to be the "hub" course and link the other two sections to the main course. Section B is the main course, and section E and section C will be linked to it. Please note that this process will end up creating groups for each of the linked courses, but not for the "hub". If you want to keep all courses in separate groups it is recommended to create a group with all members of the main course before linking the other courses.

Please note:

  • We strongly recommend leaving the course(s) you are not using hidden from students to prevent any confusion for them.
  • You will be able to enter grades for all students from all sections within the "hub" course you have linked the other(s) into.
  • We strongly recommend using the Add to Group drop-down menu to create a new group for the linked section. Adding the students from a linked section into a group will allow you to set different dates and times for quizzes and assignments, as well as filter which students appear in the gradebook. To learn about creating groups, please read out article here.

For information beyond this article, please visit Moodle documentation here.


1. From the topmost drop down menu, select "Enrollment methods".

2. On the Enrollment methods page, use the drop down menu next to "Add method" to select "Course meta link".


3. Use the drop-down menu next to "Link course" to search or select the course you wish to link to the main course.

  • Please note: We strongly recommend using the 'Add to Group' drop down menu to select the option "create new group" creating a group with the participants of said section to it. This will help you later in the semester if you'd like to do any of the following:
    • Filter your gradebook by section
    • Set separate due dates or open/close times for Assignments and Quizzes
    • Set up one Forum for the entire class, but prevent students from seeing posts from classmates in other sections. 
    • Restrict access to selected course content so it's only available to a specific section.
  • For more information, please visit our article on groups here.


4. Once you have selected the course you would like to link and the configured settings, click the "Add method" button. This will initiate the link.

  • The linked courses will now appear under the 'Enrollment methods' page, and you will see the course meta links listed. This will allow you to verify that your courses are linked together in Moodle.
  • To edit or delete the meta link, use the icons under the "Edit" column.
  • If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Technology Help Desk at (336) 278-5200.

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