Multi-Factor Authentication Request

If you are a faculty or staff member, DUO Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) should be enabled on your Elon account. To enroll and manage DUO devices, log in with your Elon username and password. 

In an effort to enhance cybersecurity protections at Elon University, the Office of Information Security will soon implement a mandatory multi-factor authentication (MFA) initiative for all faculty and staff. This will add layers of security to critical university systems and ultimately reduce the number of compromised accounts that impact the university community. 

For assistance managing your devices, select "Submit a Request" and complete the form.

Available To

Faculty and staff accessing DUO-enabled applications (Colleague, Slate, Raiser's Edge, and LastPass Enterprise)

Benefits & Key Features

  • Enhanced security for DUO-enabled applications 
  • Easily verify your identity with the using your mobile or landline phone


There is no cost to use this service.

Submit a Request

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