Flexible Work Technology Resources

The Knowledge Base offers best practices for using technology to navigate flexible work and will be continually updated. Please sign in to leave feedback to help improve this knowledge article.

Communicating Your Status

Forward Your Voicemail

Forward calls from your desk phone extension to your cell phone or another phone number where you will be readily available. You can also check your voicemail remotely. Learn more about desk phone operations and voice mail in the Related Articles listed to the bottom-right of this page.
  • If you are having trouble forwarding a call from your Elon desk phone to a mobile device, please enter a ticket.  Not all phones are able to call forward.  
  • Any voicemails that are left for you after you have forwarded your desk phone should appear in the voicemail box of the phone you forwarded calls to. If possible, this should be tested while still on campus. 
  • Voicemails received on desk phones (not forwarded) are also delivered by email to the email account associated with the extension.  

Set Up Your Calendar

Set your Outlook calendar to show you are “Working Elsewhere” for a specified time period. This should also adjust your Microsoft Teams Status to show you are “Out of the Office.” 

  1. Create or schedule an appointment for “All-Day” or the time you will be remote. 
  2. Set the “Show As” dropdown to “Working Elsewhere.” 

Other Options

In addition, you may set your email Out of Office reply in Outlook or in the Outlook web app and update your Teams status message to indicate you are out of the office and working remotely. 


Check out the Information Security guide about working remotely.

Accessing Elon Resources - VPN (Cisco AnyConnect)

VPN allows you to access Elon site-based applications that normally require you to be on campus. 
There are two different “types” of VPN: general VPN and Colleague VPN. Colleague VPN works for those who need access to Colleague and Entrinsik Informer, both on and off campus. General VPN is only used for applications like shared drives when someone is off campus. General VPN will not work while you are connected to campus networks.
  • If you are on campus...
    • You do not need general VPN.
    • You do need On-Campus Colleague VPN for Colleague and Entrinsik Informer. 
  • If you are off campus... 
    • You do need VPN for network resources, shared drives, and a few other programs. 
    • You only need Off-Campus Colleague VPN for Colleague and Entrinsik Informer. 

Websites and applications that do not require general or Colleague VPN, no matter if you are on or off campus, are sites like Moodle, Kaltura, email, Microsoft products, etc. Most websites and applications do not require VPN. Review frequently asked questions about VPN access in the Related Articles. 

DUO Two-Factor Authentication

Duo Security for multi-factor authentication is necessary for all Elon accounts.

For remote work, it is very important to add a second device (mobile phone, tablet or home phone) to Duo Security along with your desk phone. You may also want to set Duo to allow you to choose which device you will use to authenticate. If possible, this should be tested while still on campus. 

To register a second device, change your default device or choose which device to use for authentication, visit www.elon.edu/duo and login. Visit the Multi-Factor Authentication Self-Service Enrollment Guide in Related Articles for help adding additional devices for authentication and more information. 

Colleague and Entrinsik Informer

As with on-campus access, Colleague and Entrinsik Informer access requires the use of VPN and Duo Security. To be granted off-campus access to Colleague and Entrinsik Informer, please submit a request. View Related Articles about using Duo and Colleague.
  • If you normally use “phone1” for your second password to authenticate with Duo Security using your desk phone, you may need to use “phone2” or “push” to confirm you identify using a second device, once it has been added.  

Host Online Meetings

Elon offers multiple applications to host or join virtual meetings, such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. To learn more about hosting meetings via these platforms, please see the Related Articles section on the right of this page.


Searching through the Knowledge Base is a great way to find further information. If you need additional assistance, you can submit a ticket through the Service Catalog or contact the Service Desk through Live Chat or by calling (336) 278-5200. 
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Related Articles (7)

Call forwarding when off campus
Provides an overview of how to use Cisco IP phones as well as using your voice mailbox.
DUO Security and AnyConnect for Colleague VPN access FAQ.
Provided by Microsoft, LinkedIn Learning, and others about using Microsoft Teams.
The multi-factor authentication method (MFA), Duo Security, for logging into some web applications, offers step-by-step guide details to help you self-enroll to use the service.
Install the AnyConnect client for VPN access on Windows and Mac devices.
Links to help you get started using Zoom.

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