Search58 Results

The Raiser's Edge "Reports" share has moved, the new share is \\\files\reports .
Explains the learner success and progress report within Moodle, which reports on a student's cumulative course progress.
Discusses the forum posts performance report in Moodle.
Outlines creating a grade history report in Moodle.
Delete an Entrinsik Informer report.
Overview of how to download reports from Colleague.
Use names when running reports from Entrinsik Informer.
Access and run the needs grading report, which displays work students have submitted that needs to be graded.
Walks you through how to access the Forum Summary Report which outlines student participation within a forum in the LMS.
Time approval for supervisors of student staff FAQ.
Outlines how to add a graded item (column) in Moodle.
Outlines how to add a grade category in Moodle.
Overview of Microsoft's Advanced Email Threat Protection.