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Instructions for updating the home address, local address and phone number in the User Profile
Find an IP Address or MAC Address for an iOS Device.
Overview of how to find the IP Address or MAC Address for OSX (Mac) devices.
Overview of how to find the IP Address and MAC Address on a Windows device.
Find an IP Address or MAC Address for an Android Device.
Ping web addresses on a Mac.
Ping web addresses from a Windows device.
Create a LastPass account with your Elon email address.
Addresses importing and exporting questions into and out of Moodle quizzes.
If you previously used your Elon email address for a free trial of Zoom, you can switch to Elon's licensed instance.
Information and adding and configuring devices to the elonu-connect wireless network.
Overview for how students can scan & send documents with Canon devices on campus.
Overview on adding video to a blog post.
Shows users how to register for OnTheHub.
Sign-up for a personal LastPass account.