Search25 Results

Services or Offerings?
Request the addition or change of a budget number used for print and copy service.

If you already have access to Colleague, you can request to add, remove, or change your account permissions as needed.

Update the name, associated department, or budget number for a university-issued mobile device.

This service is used by Human Resources staff when an update to information listed in Elon's online Faculty & Staff Directory is required.

Request RightFax installation if there has been an equipment change or a change to the designated faculty or staff member assigned to RightFax in your department.

Request an Elon Account for student employees and vendors or make changes to your own.

Customized Colleague Requests include requests for a customized process, or a change to an existing process.

Request or make changes to SharePoint Team Site permissions.

Submit a request to create, delete, or change administrators of an email list.

United Way organizers can submit a request to change aspects of the United Way form.

Request software installations, upgrades, or configuration changes for a traditional or virtual computer lab on Elon's campus.

Submit a request to create a new shared mailbox, change an existing mailbox name, add/remove access, or transfer ownership of a shared mailbox.

Submit a request for digital signage management access, such adding, removing, or changing user permissions to specific locations.

Request an update to a university desk phone extension.

Reset your email password using Elon University's Password Self-Service Site.