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Use some of the following tips to maintain your Apple or Windows computer.
Shows users how to boot your Mac in safe mode.
Walks users through connecting their Mac device to the elonu-secure wireless network.
This room is a digital art classroom which can hold 20 students.
Classroom with 19 desktop computers, a projector, white board, and a printing station.
Classroom with seating available for 19 people which includes student computers, multiple TV monitors mounted on the walls, an overhead projector, a student printing station, and a touch panel controlling the entire room.
This room is a digital art classroom which can hold 20 students.
This space serves as a lounge and collaborative work area and includes lounge chairs, rolling chairs, a white board, two Roku TVs, four desktop computers, and a printing station.
Instructions for installing and accessing the AppsAnywhere software on a Mac.
Outlines how to install SPSS 28 for Mac.
Overview of how to find the IP Address or MAC Address for OSX (Mac) devices.
Ping web addresses on a Mac.
Access a shared mailbox via Outlook for Mac.
Use Syncplicity on a Mac device.