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Provides an overview of removing users from a WordPress blog.
Discusses how to add non-Elon users to blogs.
Error when adding an external/guest user to a team.
Add a user photo to Moodle.
Instructions for updating the home address, local address and phone number in the User Profile
Outlines how to remove a user from a Moodle course.
Provides an overview of updating your user profile in WordPress.
Overview of how to add Elon users to a blog.
Add a user to a Moodle course.
Admin user guide to the Events Management application.
User's Guide to the Events Management Application.
Students can grant authorized user access for parents to the E-Bill site.
User privileges in AppTrack.
Outlines the roles and what they can and cannot do within Moodle. We have a handful of roles that can be assigned to users.
Walks users through the process of downloading their personal Kaltura media.