Popular Services

Report an issue to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what isn't working correctly or are unable to find it under another category.

Submit a general request to the Technology Service Desk when you are unsure what to ask for or are unable to find it under another category.

Report an issue with print driver installation.

Report an issue with university-issued computers or accessories.

Consumer-grade wireless devices (e.g., printers, Roku, gaming consoles) can connect to Elon's WiFi through the elonu-connect wireless network. Before connecting, you'll need to register your device through the MyDevices portal.

Submit a request to create a new shared mailbox, change an existing mailbox name, add/remove access, or transfer ownership of a shared mailbox.

Elon provides two WiFi for Elon guests: elonu-secure, and eduroam. elonu-secure wireless network is for those visitors who are on official campus business (requires sponsorship). Eduroam may be utilized by visiting faculty, staff and students from participating eduroam institutions. In addition, Elon University faculty and staff may sponsor a guest who needs access to classroom or lab computers. This service is typically used for visiting scholars, guest lecturers, or invited groups who need to utilize computer labs.

Learn more about Streeme TV available in common spaces of on-campus residential spaces.

Report an issue with printing, copying, or scanning.

LinkedIn Learning is an extensive on-demand training platform available to Elon users.

One-on-one technology consulting is available to help evaluate your academic and administrative needs and pair those needs with possible technology solutions.

Report an issue with your Elon University email account.

Request a non-academic course (academic courses are automatically created), course template, or feature enhancements.

Submit a request to create, delete, or change administrators of an email list.

Report an issue with university-supported software.

Request a PIN reset for accessing voicemail or other phone mailbox settings on an Elon desk phone.

Request a new feature, form, or workflow in SharePoint.

Re-imaging is the act of clearing off all of the user data on a machine and reapplying the base image (the operating system and core software).

Submit contracts with technology implications to Information Technology for review. IT MUST review these contracts and negotiate with vendors PRIOR to submitting the Contract Approval Cover Sheet and purchase request to the Purchasing office.

A web-conferencing service that allows faculty, staff, and students to collaborate with anyone through video or audio meetings.

Request a price quote or submit a purchase request for technology hardware.

Report an issue with your Elon University wireless network connection.

If you are experiencing issues with OnTrack, first browse the OnTrack articles found in the Knowledge Base. Also, remember that your OnTrack password may be different than your Elon account password (the account used for accessing email, Moodle, etc.).

Request a price quote or submit a purchase request for software.

If you already have access to Colleague, you can request to add, remove, or change your account permissions as needed.